Women in AI

The project aims to start work that will contribute to a more inclusive and competitive business sector and strengthened conditions for ethical development and application of artificial intelligence by facilitating increased female participation in AI-related industries.

This will be done by mapping needs and barriers related to the employment of women in AI, forming an expanded consortium, disseminating knowledge, and looking at which instruments will be effective in helping to increase the recruitment of women to AI-related activities.

Women in AI: a step closer to better and fairer products and services

Join our workshop and help us define how we can help companies that develops and use AI to attract more women!

Why is it especially important that we focus on gender equality when working with artificial intelligence (AI)? How can we make sure to include and attract women into careers in AI?

Together with Institute for Energy Technology and Inspiria Science Center, Cluster for Applied AI has landed a pre project for investigating how we can make sure we have the best prerequisites for working with inclusion and gender equality in AI. This will lead the way for stronger companies, better innovations and technology with a broader appeal and adoption.

We hope you want to be a part of it!

Please join us at Inspiria Scinence Center on the 16th of November where we'll dive into the opportunities and map the hurdles we all meet along the journey- either you represent a company that needs to attract the best people, or if you're a woman in AI yourself.