Join the Partner Conference 2022!
It is with great pleasure that we can invite you to this year's Partner Conference for Cluster for Applied AI, Cluster for Decommissioning and Repurposing (Decom) and NCE Smart Energy Markets.
The planning is well under way, and we already have several registered, as well as several who have shown their interest in exhibiting during this year's large network gathering. Seize the chance to meet physically and to make new contacts on this day. We look forward!
See the agenda below and registration at the bottom of the page
The day offers, among other things:
- An exciting professional content and workshop
- A chance to familiarize yourself with what the other partners deliver and work with
- Opportunity to present your own business through the "Partners' Pitch", register your interest
- An opportunity to get closer to opportunities from the policy apparatus via a meeting with our own and external advisers
- Opportunity to exhibit a solution or project in the mingle hall - register your interest!
- Book a meeting with another partner or the cluster administration, we can arrange a meeting room!
- We are going to set up a physical gathering in the Simulatorsenteret in Håkon Melbergs vei in Halden, but are going to stream some sessions for those of you who don't have the opportunity to attend physically
- Lunch, refreshments and good atmosphere!
- November 3, 2022
- 08:30 – 16:00
- The simulator center at Remmen Knowledge Park in Halden
- Free