Kvinner i AI

Sammen med Institutt for Energiteknikk og Inspiria Science Center har Cluster for Applied AI landet et forprosjekt for å undersøke hvordan vi kan sørge for at vi har de beste forutsetningene for å jobbe med inkludering og likestilling i AI. Dette vil lede an for sterkere selskaper, bedre innovasjoner og teknologi med en bredere appell og adopsjon.

Webinar: Why diversity and inclusion in AI is good for business

Prosjektet har som mål å starte et arbeid som vil bidra til et mer inkluderende og konkurransedyktig næringsliv og styrkede forutsetninger for etisk utvikling og anvendelse av kunstig intelligens ved å legge til rette for økt kvinnelig deltakelse i AI-relatert næring.

Dette skal gjøres gjennom å kartlegge behov og barrierer knyttet til sysselsetting av kvinner innen AI, danne et utvidet konsortium, spre kunnskap, samt se på hvilke virkemidler som vil være effektfulle for å bidra til å øke rekrutteringen av kvinner til AI-relatert virksomhet.

Institute for Energy Technology, Smart Innovation Norway and Inspiria Science Center has trough a pre project worked on developing insight to see how we can promote more inclusiveness in the way we work with AI. We have specifically addressed how we can attract more women, that represents one of the minorities in AI.

Join us in this webinar to learn more about the key insights we have gathered from some of the leading persons in the field of data and AI, and how you can work to make sure your organization is equipped for the future! You will also get to hear how Microsoft works with these challenges, and can give you tips and hints to how you can do the same for your organization.

You will hear from the following speakers:

  • Claire Blackett, Institute for Energy Technology
  • Xiaopeng Li, Microsoft
  • Leonora Bergsjø, Høgskolen i Østfold

The pre-project is partly funded by Viken County, and it is free to participate in the webinar.


Sign up here!


Agenda webinar 1th of February 2023

Claire Blackett, Institute for Energy Technology

As our world becomes increasingly digital, automated and autonomous, it is more important than ever to understand how humans interact with the technology around us, as well as the effects (intended or not) that technology can have on our lives. In my job, I examine human-technology interaction and how this can augment and enhance our workspaces, homes and societies. I use my background in sociology, root cause analysis and human factors engineering to investigate ways in which the interaction might not go as planned, what the consequences of this might be, and how we can mitigate any adverse effects. I am excited about the possibilities that advanced digital and AI technologies can offer us, and work to ensure that we maintain a human-centered approach for optimal performance and usability!

Xiaopeng Li, Microsoft

Leading AI business at Microsoft | Building community at Oslo AI | Nordic 100 in Data, Analytics & AI | Nordic Data & AI Influencer of the Year 2022 Nominee

Leonora Onarheim Bergsjø

Nøkkelkompetanse: Digital etikk og GDPR. Foredrag og kurs. Rådgiving og prosjektarbeid. Doktorgrad. Mediehåndtering.

